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Doesn’t want black men to vote… he brought the horse
Says God opposes Church & State separation, and yet it is biblically explicit
False prophet, false doctrine
Suspicious self-aggrandizing financial dealings
Inappropriate advances on underage women
Doesn’t respect the U.S. Constitution
Doesn’t support the first amendment
Ally of Jeff Sessions & doesn’t support the fourth amendment
Doesn’t believe in the Biblical admonition of Church & State separation
Practices Old Testament legalism akin to Islamic Sharia law
Referred to as the “Ayatollah of Alabama”
Has a shady background in the abortion war
Not respected by veterans who often mockingly call him “Captain America”
Activist judge who legislates from bench
Propagandizes with false statements about what the law is
Removed from Alabama Supreme Court two times for refusal to follow federal law
Roy Moore’s contempt is militant and seditious – he belongs in jail
He says homosexual conduct should be illegal
Embraces extreme right neo-Nazi propaganda